Location and contact information Itapé
Phone number: 03442 - 427852 / 03442 - 440707 / 03442 - 15481378
Address: Juan Perón 1000, Riachuelo Itapé (See below for the location of the Campground Itapé on the map)
Campground type: organizado
Rates: Send a message to the campground to check for updated rates.
Dear camper: we wish you well on your camping trips and we ask that you mention when you visit this site and get in touch with its owner.
This helps us to improve SoloCampings.
Features of the campground
Recreational Vehicles, motorhomes, trailer allowed Si
Campground services
Bathrooms: Si
Showers: Si
Grocery: Si, cantina
Nature and Recreation
Campground description
Es el tradicional balneario de la ciudad. Esta situado a la vera del riacho Itapé, de quien recibe su nombre. Es la playa más cercana al centro de la ciudad, a solo 15 cuadras de la plaza principal Francisco Ramírez
Campground Itapé
Photos of the campground Itapé
Still do not have photos of campground Itapé
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